VĆdeos de inventario
K's Kustom's Inventory
K's Kustom's Inventory

K's Kustoms' Woods-Rig Reveal

K's Kustoms' Aftershock Jeep

little tikes
Todas las unidades se venden con una baterĆa y un cargador nuevos. TambiĆ©n incluimos la garantĆa limitada de K's Kustom, a menos que se indique lo contrario. No se aceptan intercambios ni descuentos en unidades de compra de valor o artĆculos en oferta. No se retiene sin depĆ³sito. LlĆ”menos hoy para programar una cita, estamos abiertos los 7 dĆas de la semana. Al ver el inventario con un dispositivo mĆ³vil, debe hacer clic en la imagen para leer el precio y la descripciĆ³n proporcionada. Gracias.
![]() 12v California "T" Ferrari | ![]() 18v "Blacklisted" Ferrari | ![]() C4 Corvette ride on |
Juguetes para montar raros / difĆciles de encontrar

Rare GI Joe A.P.R.V by Coleco has peeling declas, sounds and lasers fun works. No battery or charger.

Rare GI Joe A.P.R.V by Coleco. functional with peeling/missing decal

Rare GI Joe A.P.R.V by Coleco has peeling declas, sounds and lasers fun works. No battery or charger.

List price $175. This is a vintage 6V Little Tikes Train with tracks. 20 track pieces, a new battery and charger. The train makes sounds and has a bell for the child to ring. Ages 1 -3 up to 40 lbs.

List price $175. This is a vintage 6V Little Tikes Train with tracks. 20 track pieces, a new battery and charger. The train makes sounds and has a bell for the child to ring. Ages 1 -3 up to 40 lbs.
6V GI Joe A.P.R.V (SOLD)
Buddy L 6v Ferrari F40 (Sold)
6V Little Tikes Train with track SOLD

Vintage and rare, Canova Rocking Horse/Trolly. Made in Italy in the 1960's. Plastic Structure with plush hair, plastic saddle with harness. Missing the stirrups. By changing the position of the wheels it transforms from a rocking horse to a trolley.Head height is 85 cm and length is 95 cm. Used and in great condition. List price is $75

Vintage and rare, Canova Rocking horse with folding wheels.

Vintage and rare, Canova Rocking horse with folding wheels. Missing the stir-ups.

Vintage and rare, Canova Rocking Horse/Trolly. Made in Italy in the 1960's. Plastic Structure with plush hair, plastic saddle with harness. Missing the stirrups. By changing the position of the wheels it transforms from a rocking horse to a trolley.Head height is 85 cm and length is 95 cm. Used and in great condition. List price is $75

Unit has sold

Unit has sold

List price is $50 each. 2 Snofox SLM sleds. These sleds also fall under the vintage category. Each featuring, steering wheel, foot brake and lanyard. These make for some excellent fun in the snow.

List price is $50 each. 2 Snofox SLM sleds. These sleds also fall under the vintage category. Each featuring, steering wheel, foot brake and lanyard. These make for some excellent fun in the snow.
Canova Rocking Horse (sold)
12v Pines of America ATV (Sold)
SNO FOX Sleds (Sold)

List price $450

List price $450